Registration for this program will be through the Oak Brook Park District. Open registration runs from March-July, and is based on availability begining in August. The program has flexible options to meet the needs of our families. Please read the parent handbook for more detailed information and contact Kim Catris at 630-645-9516 if you have any questions.
You may hold your child(ren)'s place online with your $50 reservation fee (one per family) at This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Participation in the program will not begin until the appropriate registration form is received by the park distrtict. Reserve your space online!
All registration questions are to be directed to the Park District at or by calling 630-645-9590, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.
Dolphin Station follows the school calendar for District 53. We are closed when school is not in session and on School Improvement Days (early dismissal days). These days are not included in the fees charged for the program.
Dolphin Station is held at the Oak Brook Park District.