Oak Brook Park District Registration Time Change: NOW OPEN AT 7:00AM
Recreation Registration | Family Recreation Center Front Desk
Sunday-Saturday | Open-Close
Phone: (630) 645-9590
Fax: (630) 990-8379
View the seasonal program guides/Pioneer Post.
5 Easy Ways to Register
Click here to begin your online registration. If you don’t have an account click here. Proof of address to recieve In-District Registration rates is required.
Bring/mail your completed form and payment (check, cash, or credit card) to:
Oak Brook Park District
c/o Registration
1450 Forest Gate Rd.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Oak Brook Tennis Center
1300 Forest Gate Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Hours: M-F 6:30am-10:00pm | Sa/Su 7am-9pm
Fax completed registration form and payment to 630-990-8379 for recreation programs and 630-990-4818 for Tennis programs
Email your forms to registration@obparks.org for recreation programs or programming@obparks.org for our tennis programs. *Email confirmations and waitlist notices will be sent to the current email address on file for all in-person, emailed and faxed registrations. Online registrants must “View current registrations” in your account for confirmation. *PHONE REGISTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED*
Registration Information
Instant Online Registration begins at 7:00am on designated registration dates and is processed immediately. Registrations for programs that are mailed, faxed, or in-person will be accepted once each seasonal brochure is live on the website, and held until the registration day. All received registrations will then be processed at random. Any registration received after 5pm on registration day will be processed randomly by date received.
Program registration is monitored throughout the season, and programs will be cancelled if there is insufficient enrollment at least two days prior to the start date. The Oak Brook Park District maintains the right to open and close classes at its discretion.
If you register for a class but cannot attend, please notify the Oak Brook Park District at (630) 645-9590, as soon as possible to cancel your registration. See Refund Policy for more information.
Please do not bring your children to programs that you are participating. Babysitting may be available on site, depending on availability.
If a program reaches its maximum in enrollment, the class will be “closed.” A waiting list is then started for those still interested in registering for the program. When and if an opening occurs in the program, the first person on the waiting list will be contacted. We will continue down the list, as more vacancies become available. The registration fee will be collected if you are able to participate.
If a participant drops out of a program, and it has waiting list, the participant cannot give their spot to a friend. The Oak Brook Park District reserves the right to assign participants to the program in the order they are listed on the Park District’s waiting list.
The Park District is not responsible for any omissions or typographical errors.
The Oak Brook Park District does not carry accident or hospitalization insurance on any program participant. It is recommended that participants review their own personal insurance policy for adequate coverage during program activities.
Proof of address to receive In-District Registration Rates is required. The following items are accepted:
- Most recent real estate tax bill
- Drivers license
- Lease agreement for currently occupied residence with building owner’s certification of the names and birth dates of your children (required by Oak Brook Village Code)
- Unpaid utility bill (payment stub attached) naming you the responsible person at the Oak Brook address
- All participants must reside in within Oak Brook Park District Boundaries to receive the In-District rate.
- Individuals working within Village of Oak Brook boundaries receive In-District rates on all memberships and programs. A letter on corporate letterhead verifying current employment required.
- Verification must be provided annually
Click here to view the NEW Refund Policy (Updated May 1st, 2024)