Deck Parties

 Deck Birthday Parties of 25 Guests*

Current Cost: $440 /In-District: $350
NEW Cost: $490 /In-District: $350 (effective for parties booked for May 2025 and beyond)

**Parties are available weekends only:

  • Friday: 5-7:30pm
  • Saturday/Sunday: 12:30-3pm

Each party is scheduled for two hours during open swim: 

  • Pool Time
    • 1 Hour and 30 Minutes of open swim time with water slide
  • Food/Drinks
    • 1 Hour service at the end
      • Four 16” square-cut pizzas from Zazzo’s Pizza of Westmont, your choice of cheese, sausage, and pepperoni toppings. Also, 10” Gluten Free and Cauliflower crust options are available.
      • Two refillable pitcher drinks of Apple Juice, Lemonade, or Fruit Punch.
  • Party Attendant Full Set-up and Take Down Service
    • Plastic table coverings with your color preference 
    • All paper products (plates, cups, forks, and napkins) provided
  • A reserved space on the raised pool deck will be set aside for your party. This space will include: Two large tables for your food and drinks, one large lunch table for the kids, and four round tables (fitting four people each). 

* Admission is for up to 25 guests. Guests are defined as all adults and children over the age of two, regardless of whether they swim or not. Any additional guests are $10 per person and limited up to only 5 additional people.

** Exclusions may apply for holiday weekends, school breaks (Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks), swim meets, and Park District special events.

Payment is due in full at the time of booking.

Aquatic Deck Party Online Registration

Rolling registration opens two months out:

In-District1st of Each Month
Open Registration15th of Each Month

Example: June birthday party registration will open April 1st/15th and July birthday party registration will open May 1st/15th.